Mister Webguy always keeps SEO in mind when constructing your website, however there are a several strategies that we use once your website is launched to help it gain visibility with all the major search engines.

What good is having a website if no one can find you. Take advantage of our years of experience and well refined techniques that will help boost your search-ability on the internet. Below are just a few strategies we use to help boost your companies rankings.

Understanding Search Engines

What is a search engine and why do we need it you may ask? A search engine is basically like a huge database and companies like Google, Bing and Yahoo provide you a way to query that database and extract the information you are looking for. Without a way to sort through this information we would be at our keyboards for ever trying to find the answer to our question.

Understandning search engines is quite simple when you break it down to it's basic functions of crawling, indexing, and returning relevant search results.

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Search Engine Optimization

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Our Strategies

Keyword Strategy

We work with you to develop a strong set of key words to embed on your website pages. Proper keyword selection is the foundation of any good search engine build. If you select the wrong keywords there is either too little search volume or poor conversion rates.

Content Strategy

Once keywords have been chosen, do you have the right content to compete for those search terms? Remember your content has to be unique enough to differentiate itself from the thousands of other web pages out there with similar topics. Quality content is much preferable to quantity content and will secure much higher search rankings in the long run.

Sitemap Strategy

Once keywords and content are secured its time to build a site map and begin submitting to all the major Search Engines such as Google, Yahoo and Bing. There are two benefits to submitting your sitemap. One is that it can boost search engine ranking and two it helps with getting all your pages indexed, even if they are obscure ones.

Determining What is Relevant

You may wonder how a search engine determines what is relevant or not for a group of web pages it returns in a query? Most search engines use algorithms which simply put are a set of rules or complex formulas it uses to determine the significance and relevance of the content on the webpage it returns. There are several tips you can use to improve your ranking on almost any search engines.


Make your pages appeal to the users and not the search engine spiders. Don't try to mislead your visitors or show them different content then what you display to the search engines. This technique is commonly refered to as "cloaking". Google and other search engines now have the ability to detect this type of behaviour and actually deduct your from your page ranking.


Ensure your website has a clear hierarchy and text links that are not broken. Text links are important to use instead of image links because people who are vision impaired will not be able to see what your images are. Image links also cause problems for search engines whom also cannot see images. By using a website that has a text link menu will be easliy understood therefore being indexed correctly by the search engines which in turn will automatically increase your ranking over image based navigation.


You have probably heard this phrase before but its so true, "Content is King". Create an information rich website that has pages that clearly and accurately describe the content that is being displayed. Most search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing weight your ranking heavily on content rich websites and lets face it do you want to visit a website that bares no relation to what you are searching for?

Search Engine Optimization

Be sure to use keywords to create descriptive, people friendly URLs. Ensure that all meta information is up unique and accurate to reflect the page contents. Last but not least create a site map and ensure to submit it to all the search engines to expidite the indexing process. If any changes to your pages or content it is always good SEO practice to update your site map and resubmit it.